TV Technology

There is always something new to learn about TV technology. Learn about different types of televisions and the technology that makes TV possible.

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That grayish background on your TV may not be because of your infrequent screen-cleaning. There's a problem called the dirty screen effect that sometimes appears, thanks to the inner workings of your TV.

By Nathan Chandler

Set-top boxes are a good bridge between the Internet and your TV and the newest player in the game is Amazon Fire TV. So, is this device good for you, or just good for Amazon?

By Dave Roos

With hundreds of millions of subscribers, Facebook commands an enormous audience. The company could prove to be a fantastic venue for online video. Could Facebook be the next big TV channel?

By Jonathan Strickland


When it comes to TV transmissions, 1080i means that there are 1,080 lines on the screen and they're interlaced (displayed alternatively). Learn about what 1080i means from this article.

By Contributors

When dealing with high-definition TV, 1080p means that there are 1,080 lines on the screen, and they're displayed progressively, not alternatively. Learn what 1080p means from this article.

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You don't know how to connect your new projector to your TV. This article will tell you how to connect a projector to a TV.

By Contributors

If you know how to PC-power your TV set, you can view everything from your computer on your TV set. Learn about how to PC-power your TV set in this article.

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Did you ever wonder how to recycle your old remote controls and put them to use? Learn about how to recycle remote controls in this article.

By Contributors

Learn how to recycle your old TVs, and you'll clear out some space, donate to the needy and help the environment. Learn about how to recycle TVs in this article.

By Contributors

Once you know how to boost digital TV signals, you'll never miss any scenes of your favorite show due to poor DTV reception. This article shows you how to boost digital TV signals.

By Contributors

You may be able to keep using your old antenna or you may have to add a new one or an outdoor one. Learn whether you can watch TV with an antenna from this article.

By Contributors


Yes, portable analog TVs still work, but you may need to get a digital-to-analog converter box. Learn whether portable TVs still work from this article.

By Contributors

You can definitely use your PC as a video recorder, with a few pointers. Learn whether you can record TV on your PC in this article.

By Contributors

You'd like a digital TV antenna, and would like to try building it yourself. Learn about how to build a digital TV antenna in this article.

By Contributors

Flat-panel TVs are thinner than the behemoths that used to sit in our living rooms. But glass is glass -- is there really any difference in how fragile these new TVs are?

By Ed Grabianowski


When you think of watching a movie in 3-D, you may think of those goofy glasses with multicolor lenses. But that's the old way to do 3-D. Now, you might not need glasses at all.

By Jonathan Strickland

Apple TV has been around since 2006, but it's fallen out of favor with Apple fans as the company turned its attention toward music lovers. Now, Apple TVs are flying off the shelves as users discover their compatibility with HDTV.

By Nathan Chandler

TVs have come a long way since the early days. Tune in to see how televisions have evolved from the clunky sets of the 1940s to today’s streamlined, Internet-accessing units.

On Feb. 17, 2009, TV sets in the United States will need a converter to watch local stations. Is your television ready for the switch?

By Chris Pollette


Internet TV is relatively new -- there are lots of different ways to get it, and quality, content and cost can vary greatly. Internet TV streams television signals over the Internet to a person's computer screen or TV set.

By John Fuller

Television has been around long enough to seem ordinary, but the box that brings TV shows into your home is an amazing device. How is the picture formed? Where does the color come from? Find out.

By Marshall Brain

The surface-conduction electron-emitter display (SED) combines the picture quality of a CRT with the compact design of a flat-screen plasma display. Learn exactly how the SED-TV creates a picture.

By Tracy V. Wilson

In WWII, remote controls detonated bombs for the first time. Now some of us spend an hour looking for the remote before we remember there are buttons on the TV. Find out the difference between a "universal" and a "learning" remote and check out some of the other high-tech features you can find on remotes today.

By Julia Layton


Satellite TV once required a huge eyesore of a dish positioned on the lawn. These days, you can receive the digital satellite signal with a tiny bowl attached to your roof. Find out how satellite TV works.

By Karim Nice & Tom Harris

The video screens at sporting events and concerts are almost like your TV -- except that they're GIGANTIC! Learn about the technology that makes these 30-foot displays possible.

By Marshall Brain